Monday, 1 February 2016

HAPPY 2016!!!

I know it has been a lloonnggggggg while but its a new year and an opportunity for a fresh start, so even though January has flown by, I still get to wish you all a Happy New Year!!! I hope the year has been off to a great start. Although looking forward to all that this year has to offer, I would like to share my 2015 epilogue with you. 

At first, I wasn't keen on doing this, because for the first time in my life, I looked back on a year and I thought 'this was certainly not my year' but I decided to count my blessings anyway. So, here goes...

2015 was off to a great start, I was a new bride after all, fresh and still glowing, adjusting to marriage and living in a new city in which I had  no friends and wasn't working. I dropped a thousand copies of my resume but didn't get a single call back. I was basically a house wife and not by choice, then disaster struck. In February,  robbers broke into our house, an operation that lasted about two hours. It was the most traumatic experience of my life, hubby and I were roughed up a bit and every thing that was valuable was taken.

It wasn't long till depression set in, I couldn't pray, couldn't fathom why God who neither sleeps nor slumbers would let that happen to us. I value my relationship with God above all else and I guess I kind of took it for granted that whatever I asked of Him, He would do. I prayed always asking for protection and trusting him for it and prior to that, I'd never even had my bag or phone snatched, talk about a rude awakening. Sometimes though, He denies us what we want or allows certain things in order to help us grow. Hubby was strong for both of us, supported me through those times when I would wake up at the slightest sound even after taking a pill to help me sleep. It took me a couple of months but I eventually got better.

By mid-year, nothing had changed, still didn't get a job, felt really stagnated professionally, and so I started an online training course.  Shortly after, someone mentioned volunteering and I decided to do it. Anything beat staying at home and I got to practice my craft, although I was kind of sad that I was 'working for free'.
It opened doors for me, I met people in high places, you know what they say - your network is your net worth. It also afforded me the opportunity of doing some research work and by God's grace I have a few papers in the works. So my 'free work' yielded incredible returns.

Also, around that time, hubby and I got some great news which was just a manifestation of God's favor on us.
How could I have forgotten, I started this blog in 2015.
We marked our first anniversary towards the end of the year and were able to take a long over due vacation.
And in December, an article of mine was published on Bella naija.

At first, I didn't want to do this because I thought mehn, 2015 was one kind but looking back and counting my blessings, I realise that 2015 was a year of many firsts for me and I am thankful for it all. God has been faithful and all of this will work together for my good.
I began 2016, with very great expectations for my family and I, in all aspects of our lives and I know every one of them shall be met.
And guys, the testimonies have started rolling in for hubby and I.

Cheers to an amazing year for us all.



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